Thursday, March 25, 2010

The problem with LSD

I for one have never understood the allure of LSD. Mind you I've never partaken of LSD but even so I've heard enough about it to realize that I don't "get" it. If people take drugs to forget about their problems or for entertainment I'm not sure what the major pull is to a drug that makes lots of pretty colors arranged in what appears to be a cheap repeating pattern of Charlie Browns T-shirt. It almost seams like the same effect could be achieved with a cheap bottle of alcohol and multi-colored scarf. Here drink this while I pull this blanket over your head. Wasn't that amazing? Incidentally my two year old loves this game sans the drink.
What they need to do is find a way to supply schizophrenia in a pill format. Now there would be a drug induced experience that I could understand people going after. Sitting at home in your chair on a Friday afternoon with nothing to do so you break out a couple Schizos and a glass of water. Twenty minutes later you realize that your office laptop is blinking. Must be something important. Power on and incomes a message from the NSA explaining that you're in grave danger and you had better leave the premises immediately. Why you? Turns out you're actually a science experiment that they cooked up in a lab as a test to see if they could manipulate human genetics to gain super human levels of agility, strength, and intelligence. And they had. You've always felt that it was so. Like everything in your life was just a test and just on the other side of the walls were people watching you.

So off you go out onto the fire escape and down into the back alley in your slacks and shirt from work. Your at a full run when you feel the alley shift. Was it an earth quake? No the walls around you are stable but it's no longer an alley. The alley is now a large brick box. Turn for the fire escape. It's gone. Turn around again and sitting before you is a door. Cautiously you step towards it and test the knob. The door opens silently and your inside a large hall. How did you get here? All around you can see the mutilated carcasses of some vaguely bovine looking creatures and your shoes make a damp squishy sound when you step. As you get closer to one of the carcasses it turns, looks you in the eyes and asks if you know where the rest room is. No? Then perhaps you should leave swiftly.

No need to tell you twice as you notice a set of stairs and climb until you find yourself on the roof gulping air and wondering why you left your apartment in the first place. The cool breeze reminding you of a summer cruise you took and before you know it you're back on the boat wandering around with a pina colada in your hand. Heading for the bow of the ship you put your hands on the metal railing and feel a slight blurring at the edge of your vision as the scene changes again and you're back at the fire escape outside your apartment.

Take another pill or time for bed?

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